
Core Bundles

Bundles are nifty little helpers that make you more efficient with your data. Built by developers, Sequel Pro bundles use your favourite scripting languages to help improve your workflow. You can install bundles with one click — no need to restart Sequel Pro.

Table Data Viewer Hans-Jörg Bibiko

Visualise data table row(s) as user-definable HTML page

Explain SQL Query Hans-Jörg Bibiko

Outputs the result of the SQL statement: EXPLAIN EXTENDED 

Database Report Hans-Jörg Bibiko

Display a report about all databases of the current connection including the possibility to select a database or table via hyperlink.

Copy Single Line Quoted Hans-Jörg Bibiko

Takes the current query or the selection and copies it as a single line quoted multi-line string by appending a ; into the pasteboard

Copy as JSON Hans-Jörg Bibiko

Copies the selected rows excluding any BLOB data in a data table JSON formatted into the pasteboard.